Mona Jabr, Staffer
Junior Mona Jabr, has been on the newspaper staff for 3 years. At first Mona Joined Newspaper as a recommendation from her sister who is in yearbook, now Mona loves newspaper and would not give it up for any other class. She is very interested in designs, which leads to what she wants to study after high school. Even though her interest is wedding event planning, moving things around on a spread is like moving things around at a meeting or wedding. Newspaper has become Mona’s second home and she has learned a lot from writing articles and magazine features. It has taught her to be more brave and outgoing and that all that work that she has done would have never been achieved unless she went out and worked hard for them.
Mona was born in Lebanon and moved to the United States in 2009, a lot of her family still lives in the Middle East, while others live in different parts of the world. In her free time, Mona likes to spend time with her family and would hope that sometime soon she is able to visit family overseas. One place she would like to visit is Cyprus, and of course, visiting Lebanon. Mona has lived through two wars in Lebanon and her love for her home country is huge. She has two older brothers and two older sisters. Arabic, French and English are the three languages Mona is able to speak, read, and write. She has also been a part of the Muslim Student Association club for three years and is now the co-president.