Apps: Helpful or Harmful

Are the apps we are using to harmful?

Mona Jabr, Staffer

Before this day and age, a students hanging over his phone meant he was having a texting conversation with one of his girlfriend. However, it’s now far more likely that he’s spending time with Flappy Birds or Ingress. This is a habit that needs to be stopped.

Kids don’t spend time with each other anymore. Instead, they text all the time, and use apps like iFunny, Pandora, Instagram, and play games like Flappy Bird and Candy Crush. In today’s generation, it seems like most kids are more interested in games than any other activity. It seems that the word “active” has been taken out of “activity.”

When students typically download an app, the plan is not to use it obsessively. However, the total opposite usually comes into play on the same day the app is downloaded.

Out of all the people only 20% of global mobile users, or 1.2 Billion people, use apps.

Often times, playing on the phone helps learn a lot and can be educationally beneficial, yet it can also become a bad habit.

While using apps can form bad habits, certain apps can be useful. However, overuse causes the bad habits and can lower grades. Ignore the phone during the school day and while doing homework. Keep the good habits and lose the bad ones.