“Dear America, I Saw you Naked~ and Yes We Were Laughing”

TSA Agent Spills Secrets About Security Machines

IMG_0341Jason Harrington, an ex-Transportation Security Administration employee is spilling secrets about the flight screening process he witnessed.  “Dear America, I Saw You Naked~ and Yes We Were Laughing” was a tell all book written by Harrington about secrets that go on in the airport.

 He confessed his distrust of the system and several failures in security he witnessed during his time with the government agency. The security scans you walk through in the airport do not show what you think they do, instead they are able to see nude pictures of your whole body and make fun of overweight people .

Those machines were removed from the airport in May. Now they are trying to replace them with different machines that produce less graphic pictures. TSA is afraid of the consequences of screening  because the machines might not catch small pocket knives or other weapons. As a traveler this is disturbing to me and I would not want to be seen nude. When the TSA workers came up with the machine, I did not think that I would seen nude by securities in the airport.

Workers used a list of codes that  meant the following;

Code Red: Denotes an attractive female passenger wearing red.

Fanny Pack, Lane 2/ Alfalfa: Code for an attractive female passenger.

White Shirt: A TSA employee who still believes his or her job is a matter of national security.

These codes are used between TSA agents. After discovering these codes and going over them I felt really disgusted by them. In my opinion airport security should  be actually trying to secure us.