The Divorced Children

Velencia Covarrubias, Staffer

A video has surfaced on the internet showing a distraught little girl sitting on her staircase talking to her mother. The topic of their discussion was her parents getting divorced. A child goes through a divorce the same way the parents do. A piece of their life is breaking away from them.

It is a sad thing to be a child of divorced parents, because divorce not only means that the parents are splitting, but the child themselves are as well. People often take one persona then another when with a different person or group of people. With divorced parents, it’s like this all the time. It can often get confusing, because they do not know how to respond or act in each household which parents can often misconstruct as misbehavior.

Junior Mikayla Callahan has divorced parents and feels she has been affected by it.  “Well it made me feel like a lot of people actually have to consider how getting divorced is going to affect their children,” Callahan said. “My parents got divorced when I was four and it’s been a big effect on me because I hardly ever see my dad.”

A large portion of our generation has divorced parents and it has been accepted as normal now but the fact is, nobody had taken into thought how the child of the divorced parents feels. In cases such as the one in the video, the girl was simply asking for her parents to be friends. Whereas some ask for their parents to get back together, and others want to stay in one house just to obtain some kind of normalcy.

“I think the meaning of the video is that the little kid has a higher understanding of [divorce] then a lot of people [think],” Callahan said. “She just wanted her parents to know that if they fight and they’re always fighting, then it’s going to tear her apart, not just them,”

Alex Walker, a junior here at Smoky HIll, also has divorced parents and has seen the video. “I can see what she wants,” Alex said. “Because she thinks that her parents can’t get along. It’s cute but it’s also kind of sad.”

There are many things to be interpreted from this small yet powerful video: she could be just asking that her parents remain friends for the sake of her lifestyle or theirs or she could be simply asking that they not fight. Her message was to let her parents, and all parents of divorced children know that even though it did not work out that, does not mean that things between the two of them can, at the very least, be civil.
The bottom line comes to this: Although divorce is a sad and complicated thing to handle, especially for children, it can be overcome. “My parents get along well, so we make it work. I never feel like as if I’m in between parents,” Walker said.