A senior tradition that has been in many schools, senior assassin is a fun thing seniors can do in in hope of winning a bunch of money.
“Basically every week, I send out people to target and to go after and we have a Life 360 setup so people know where they are and stuff,” Jake Baker (12) said.
Seniors get assigned targets to go after every week by Baker who runs Senior Assassin.
“One of the rules is that you wear like if you don’t want to get shot, you wear floaties above your elbow and they have to be fully inflated. Another rule is that you can’t get someone at church or like during school hours at Smoky,” Baker also said, “Everyone had to pay a $20 fee to get to in order to play,”
These rules to wear a floatie in order to not be eliminated and have an entry fee is so that the winner receives all the money.
“I think me and my partner got this in the bag. I mean, we’re locked in for sure. You know, we don’t leave the house without our floaties on or we go out and try to get other people out. We’re pretty locked in. So I think we got it for sure,” Mason Ngo (12) said.
Ngo is committed and confident that he and his partner will win.
“I don’t think it is dangerous. I mean, we’ve done it a long time. And other schools have done it and I haven’t heard any. I guess bad things happen,” Baker said.
There may be some concerns about safety with this senior tradition.
“It’s kind of sketchy having your location shared. I [am not] going to lie, but I kind of just like, I kind of just deal with it, you know? I mean, it’s kind of weird knowing like, wow, if I’m like, I’d have made sure if I’m heading out somewhere else that people aren’t, you know, they’re gonna know where I am,” Ngo said.
The student feels that it is a bit sketchy sharing his location with random people at school on Life 360.
Senior Heaven Kerorssa shares how she feels about getting eliminated from the game.
“It’s honestly embarrassing, but it’s okay. It’s kind of a weight lifted off my shoulders,” Kerorssa said.
The student is embarrassed but more relaxed now that she knows that no one is chasing her.
“I didn’t think I would have won because I don’t have a car. Neither does my partner. So we’re just winging it for funsies,” Rawan Salah (12) said.
This student thought they would have won even though they didn’t have a full strategy.
“I feel like I would have won because I always kept my floaties on and I feel like I was smart with it, but it didn’t work out clearly,” Kerorssa said.
She believed she would have won, her strategy of keeping floaties on to being smart, even though it didn’t lead to success in the end.
“So I got chased. And then, I like [getting] in a car with five other people. They shot five different people. And then I was blamed, harassed, bullied for weeks on end by her and other people too,” Salah said.
Students had an experience with this fun game.
“I just think it’s fun. You know something, you know, senior year you know, last year in high school I want to like get the most out of it and it seemed like a great opportunity to just have fun with senior year,” Ngo said.
Ngo believes that participating in Senior Assassin is enjoyable and sees it as a way to make the most out of the senior year, saying the opportunity for fun during the final year of his high school career.