As the new school year unfolds at Smoky Hill, students are already coming across a set of new rules, with the spotlight on the recently introduced hall policy. This policy was made with the intent of stopping students aimlessly wandering the halls, yet there are still some holes. The new rule separates parts of the school as colors and restricts students to their designated areas they should be based on their hall pass color. Those colors being green, pink, orange.
With this new hall policy, the lounge chairs were also sealed to ‘keep us off’, but ironically, this has caused traffic during passing periods to get worse. Also, students in the green zone seeking water have to travel to the pink zone for access to filtered water.
I believe that hall zones could be more thought through but I do understand why the school has these rules.
As we adjust to this new hall policy, it’s important for the school administration to remain open to feedback and adaptable to necessary adjustments. It’s crucial to address the challenges that have come up and work together to create a hallway policy that achieves its intended goals while maintaining a positive and efficient learning environment.