Would you rather be left alone in the woods with a bear or man? This simple question is currently circling social media, striking up a moral debate about women’s safety. Many women across multiple platforms make their answer clear; bear is the best and the safer option.
According to CNN, the comments on a viral TikTok video explain the reasoning for this answer, “You know what to expect from a bear.” and “Absolutely bear. Humans are capable of so much worse.” say variety of commenters.
This topic has caused social media, such as TikTok, X, and Instagram to discuss the danger women experience. Some have also been critical of the choice of bear.
According to CNN, “People rankled by the number of women choosing to take their chances with a bear have called the question “misandrist” and said it’s an excuse to freely hate on men.” Others have taken this debate as a chance to respond
A post to Instagram Threads is in response to this debate and has been shared widely. “A woman should definitely pick the bear, the bear would eat her. It’s not going to help her one bit. A man she can bond with to a point where he will work with her to survive in the woods. He would hunt, build and protect.” The post sparked more debate from angry individuals who see irony in the post.
The question itself has caused big debates online, however, some have used this opportunity to prove a point.
A viral TikTok trend sparked into asking male relatives or friends what they would pick for a woman close to them. Videos go viral of the answers being bear, one video of a girl asking her husband which he would pick to leave his young daughter in, to which he responds by picking bear. “[A] bear only has the ability to kill her or leave her alone, a man has a thousand possibilities.” He said.
Two students at Smoky Hill had similar answers and reasons as to why. “I would rather be alone in the woods with a bear because a bear would leave scars, and everybody would believe you if anything were to happen,” Nataly Avalos (10) said.
Keandie Walsh (10) answered the same with different reasoning. “A bear, because it’s a lot easier to avoid,” Walsh said.