With temperatures dropping and daylight savings bringing darker evenings beginning at 4 p.m., the lack of motivation to stick to a task and complete those assignments that have been on the back burner is increasingly present.
The Student “Slump”
As students become more dispersed in academically demanding schedules, extracurriculars, and activities outside of school, reaching the student “slump” can be inevitable. This slump is a result of quick burnout and many things on a to-do list to accomplish at a certain deadline.
This leads to familiar situations of waking up and struggling to get out of bed in the morning or procrastinating on a research paper the night before it is due. However, this is a mere issue that can be readjusted alongside improving focus and well-being to do more and put off less.
Structuring Your Agenda: Use a Planner
Planners are proven to declutter, reduce stress, and improve learning among several other benefits as stated by Erin Condren.
Clutter disrupts mental health. According to Psychology Today, “All of this clutter, physical and mental, can interrupt your flow—both your ability to move and your ability to think.” Writing down simple tasks or important events to remember can organize much of this clutter and give a clear idea of what is at hand in the future.
Rather than rummaging through Schoology teacher updates to figure out an assignment you can not quite put your finger on, reducing stress is possible by putting the things you need to complete on paper. A math problem that could have possibly been forgotten can now easily be recognized by a bullet point or two in a personal agenda.
Hold yourself accountable this semester as a student with an item that easily fits in your backpack and becomes accessible for more awareness and a manageable outline of what needs to be done.
Avoiding Burnout
How do I know if I am burnt out? Sleepless nights, lack of focus in and outside of class, and overall dislike toward continuing to be an active learner are some qualities.
Nonetheless, like any other obstacle we face as students, this is an opportunity rather than a permanent dent in the academic lifestyle.
When coming across heightened negativity going to school each morning, or the dread of repeating a constant cycle for weeks on end, it is important to prioritize your happiness in the midst of it all.
What might this look like?
- Set time for yourself to hang out with friends after school or have a self-care night at home. It is crucial to prioritize yourself in this time to regain direction on the person who is making each day possible to get through, you. Even if it means thirty minutes out of your day, think of it as a gain rather than losing time to catch up on other assignments.
- Reward yourself for what you have done so far, rather than criticizing yourself for not doing enough. Buy yourself a coffee or a piece you have been eyeing on that website for a while. Treating yourself, if done correctly, is feasible and a great method to appreciate the work ethic that has shaped you as a student.
- Find a hobby that you enjoy and look forward to. After weeks of working hard to raise your grades, scrolling through social media as you lay in bed may be an activity you anticipate. Be that as it may, going to the gym, journaling, or working on a small project that represents your passions can translate to a productive hobby that is still valuable and entertaining to do.
Burnout is real. But with a few of these tips, learning to navigate yourself out of it and building happier habits leads to a fulfilled mind.
Study Successfully: The Pomodoro Technique
The Pomodoro approach to studying has proven to be effective while still allowing students to take well-earned breaks. Studying can be a burden for students but techniques like the Pomodoro method can help one get started and encourage focus-based learning.
According to the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, there are five key steps to this technique.
- Choose your assignment/work to do
- Set the timer to 25 minutes
- Work until the timer rings
- Take a five-minute break
- Take longer breaks (15 to 30 minutes) for every four Pomodoro intervals
Homework, quizzes, and tests can work out in the favor of using this method consistently for better grades or overall productive habits. The Pomodoro technique could be a useful tool for you to try with finals coming up at the end of the semester.
Choose an Environment You Be Productive In
To mentally “lock in”, the environment in which we surround ourselves is a top priority. Whether it be the comforts of your own home, a local library, or a nearby cafe, choosing a place to be successful can impact productivity for the better.
Most importantly, switching up the atmosphere where you work could be a game changer. “In an increasingly online and remote academic world, creating the best workspace for your core study time is essential,” as stated by The College of Professional Studies at Johnson and Wales University.
Adding in a range of spots you can study gives you the option to switch up the cycle of constantly working at a desktop for hours at a time. Even going to the dining table or living room could improve your academic skills for the better.