Homelessness In Colorado


Michael Keegan

Homeless on the side of Cherry Creek state park

Michael Keegan, Staffer

As it get colder in Aurora, Colorado; homelessness is still a problem that is getting bigger every year. More and more come and it hurts Aurora as well with areas of land becoming trashed. Cherry creek reservoir has been getting worse as a result of people that don’t help the homeless out enough for them to move or get out that area.

“I feel like the homeless in Colorado gets worse every year cause most people now just look at them as druggies and people trying to take peoples money but they’re not they are struggling in the cold and every year as well,” Miguel Sisneros (11) said.

According to Sisneros, he sees it as people look at them and skip on them and not try to help them out at all. Shown by FOX31, there are as many as 30,000 homeless in the metro area.

“I think why homelessness goes up every year is by the city not taking care of them. Housing is at highs for them especially not being able to pay for house, food, and other expenses,” Sisneros said.

According to Zillow in July 2022, “the median home price in Colorado is $580,000.” There are a lot of homeless shelters to get people back on their feet; Denver alone provides 20 homeless shelters. Colorado has four COCs. COC is Continuum of Care.

“The city should get more involved in my opinion because I know we can do more as a society to help them find a home,” William Ault (11) said.

Ault said the Colorado community could get involved more because society will be doing more and helping out in a certain way to get them back to being better and finding a home so they aren’t out on the streets.

“I don’t think people forget about the homeless; they just overlook them and be like that’s not my problem,” Ault said.

According to Ault, describing how humans act towards the homeless is that it’s their fault they’re in that way cause of their decision they made to get there. “At least 20 people experiencing homelessness die every single day in America and almost all of these deaths are preventable,” Homeless Death Count said.

“Younger generations and even schools as well need to help out and even learn about how hard it is being homeless, make sure they keep them self from going down that path even,” Kaitlyn Keegan (11) said.

Keegan said people at a young age should start figuring out about what homelessness can do to you. The homeless need community as well for support.

Homelessness is rising in Colorado everyday and they are getting support in the weather conditions of December as shelters are coming in to help them out. Homeless is a very serious thing in  Colorado but also the country as well. People have seen what these homeless go through and how much support they need.