Was the review day useful?

Did the day provide help to students who ended it, or was it not enough

Kailen Theel, Staffer

The review day before finals was meant to let us go to every class before we took the final. It would give us the chance to get the best grade possible. This was the first year the district has done something like this, but was the review day really useful?

The day gave you a chance to spend 44 minutes to go to every class, but was 44 minutes enough time to “study”. In some of my classes I was able to get through a Kahoot or quizlet. In others, I awaited the time when the class ended. It seemed like the time where it was enough to work in important classes, yet still took forever for electives to end.

Not only did the classes take forever, the day all together felt weird and out of place. It was weird going to 3R and not the lunchroom after 2R. It felt awkward sitting in 3R at ten o’clock and not the usual time. Even though it might not have affected our learning, the day felt out of the ordinary for lots of people.

We could have been on break sooner if we hadn’t had the review day. We would have taken the finals Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, making Thursday, and Friday part of our break. This was the number one thing I heard people complain about on the review day in the hallways.

Every person has a different attitude toward the review day. The day benefited some people, more  than others. So overall the day was a success. This day was used district wide, and not just at Smoky. The day could have helped many students and could boost their grade up
