The Three Components of Health
The three branches of health that impact the well-being of a person in day-to-day life

March 9, 2023
Health is a very important aspect of everyone’s life. Your health controls how well you perform as a person. There are three main components of health- mental, physical, and social.
Mental Health
Mental health is our emotions and behavior. It controls how we act and feel about things. What contributes to mental health are experiences, family history or current situations. Bad mental health can occur from one of those things causing you to feel stressed, down or upset. “Without treatment, the consequences of mental illness for the individual and society are staggering,” NAMI said, “Untreated mental health conditions can result in unnecessary disability, unemployment, substance abuse, homelessness, inappropriate incarceration, and suicide, and poor quality of life.” Treating mental health is important, letting it go untreated can have bad effects on your life.
Social Health
Social health is one’s ability to handle and act in social conditions. It relates to communication, empathy, and support. “Being self-centered, violent and alone have ill effects on health causing stress and depression which are a threat to self and others,” NHP said. The long-term effects of bad social health in general lead to “social isolation and social exclusion, both are causes of poor chances of survival with a decreased degree of quality of life, depression and increased risk for chronic diseases,” NHP said. Little to no communication or healthy social environments can be bad for your mental well-being in the long run.
Physical Health
Physical health is the condition of your body. What contributes to physical health is exercise, diet, and behavior (Smoking, alcohol, ect.). “Some of the things that can affect wellbeing are stress, working too much, and being too inactive.” Head to Health said. Over time, bad physical health can begin to have bad effects long term. “Not getting enough physical activity can lead to heart disease—even for people who have no other risk factors. It can also increase the likelihood of developing other heart disease risk factors, including obesity, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes,” The CDC said.
All of the health components should be taken care of in the best way they can. If someone were to be unhealthy in one area, it can begin to affect the other components, so it is very important to keep up with all areas. By continuing a healthy lifestyle, you’ll be able to have a long healthy life, without long-term effects or other problems in the future.