Terror Comments to Muslims

A few bad apples ruin the image for the rest.

Nafees Abidi, Staffer

Many American Muslims and Arabs are worried about the racist comments made by presidential candidates after the Paris attacks. Some presidential candidates, however, are trying to turn down the heat.

“First, as a muslim American, I have never seen so much hatred toward the religion of Islam. Not even in 9/11 was it this bad. A fellow classmate of mine asked me if I was happy about ISIS growing and becoming a bigger threat. In the state of shock I just walked away, but I can never forget that moment. How dare he ask me something so shallow,” Junior Ahmed Ferjani said.

Republican candidate Ben Carson compares some Syrian refugees to rabid dogs. Paul Ryan said “our national security is at stake” because of the refugees coming.MSA

“This is not what the U.S. is about, Syria is a war zone! Syrian’s cannot live in their society safe and without fear! If America was a war zone we would also have refugees fleeing everywhere in the world too. America estimately has only taken in 2,000 syrian refugees over the past years so there is no need to be calling refugees names,” continued Ferjani.

Trump told Yahoo News that he would consider requiring Muslim Americans to register with a government database, or worse, mandating that they carry special identification cards that note their faith. Donald Trump thinks maybe Muslims should have special ID’s.

“I am a supporter of Donald Trump but this is extremely out of line. What is the difference between Trump and Hitler now? Hitler wanted gold stars on every jew, and now history is repeating itself. Even in our pledge it says “ with liberty and justice for all ”, by creating identification cards Muslims would have less rights than other races do which is not justice for all,” Junior Amira Mayes said.

Jeb Bush, the younger brother of President George W. Bush, spoke against Trump’s recent plan of identifying and tracking American Muslims during an interview Friday morning.