Reading… ??

No Time to Read


High school students, today, are finding it hard to sit down and open a book with their busy schedules that are full of clubs, sports, and other after school activities. Students simply don’t have enough time to sit down and read a book. This can result in not being able to perform well in academic classes and in other areas of their life especially when it comes to signing up for a college they may want to attend.

According to, “many middle and high school teachers and administrators lament that students just don’t read and write anymore, often blaming todays TV and video game culture.”

Most students do have the motivation to read and write, but most students simply don’t want to do it in school.

“Many try to avoid assigned reading because for them reading is an unpleasant, arduous, and unrewarding task…the content of the textbook, article, or trade book is too difficult or too irrelevant to their experience, and encountering the information on the page is not sufficient for understanding. These students need to talk, write, and connect the content to what they already know to make sense of the material on the page. Other students do not see the relevance of the assigned reading to their lives and are not interested in putting forth the effort to complete the task,” says

Teachers should reinforce reading in schools, so students are not lacking reading and writing skills in the field. The more the students read, the more they will start to improve not only in reading and English, but with other assignments in the future that a student may come across as well.