Ray Rice

Many see Ray Rice’s incident with his wife as domestic violence. Was this truly abuse?

Elena Muniz, Staffer

Former Baltimore Ravens’ running back Ray Rice’s name has been talked about across America the past few weeks after a security video leaked, Monday September 8, on TMZ. The video portrayed Rice hitting and knocking out his then fiancée, Janaya Palmer,in an Atlantic City casino elevator. Palmer and Rice were shown in the elevator, during an argument, Rice hits Palmer a first time then hits her another time knocking her down into the railing.

According to the article “NFLPA receives Ray Rice letter” on ESPN.com, Rice was originally suspended for two games on July 24 for “violating the personal conduct policy” after he confessed to hitting his fiancee in a meeting in July, before the entire video came out.

Reporters everywhere have been calling this “domestic violence”, but this was just a couple getting into a very heated argument. His now wife, Palmer, has risen up since then, defending her husband’s actions on her Instagram, “To take something away from the man I love that he has worked for all his life is horrific,” said Palmer.

Even though Rice and Palmer, in my opinion, only got into a fight, I feel like she should’ve left him anyway. No one, male or female, should be treated like that in their entire life. Being abused is a big problem for some people, but Rice and Palmer, however, do not have this problem.

Abuse is defined as treating a person with cruelty or violence regularly; but, Rice and Palmer, as far as has been seen, have only been in one. That means that this incident cannot be defined as abuse.

There are some situations, however, where abuse is prominent. The victims usually stay because they are either scared or they don’t want to leave. If you, or someone you know is being abused, tell someone. For more information or to report abuse, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).