Overwatch: Is it the next WoW?

This game might be the ‘next big thing’ in the online gaming community

Jessica Slofkiss, Staffer

IMG_0405.JPGBlizzard Entertainment Promotional
Overwatch, a first-person shooter (FPS) developed by Blizzard Entertainment, was unveiled at BlizzCon in November of 2014, is not getting the publicity is rightfully deserves, even months later.

Blizzard Entertainment, most commonly known for World of Warcraft has developed “Overwatch”, a game that is a PvP, or player versus player, team-based shooter game displaying different classes in which the player can use to complete the objectives. The released game modes as of right now are “Payload”, where a team delivers a bomb to the rival team as they to defend against them and stop the delivery of said payload, the other is “Point Capture” (capture the flag).

As the game is entirely multiplayer, it brings a new excitement to battling in iconic Egypt as the “Reaper” class (my personal favorite) where you wield a shotgun in each hand and have the ability to dissipate and reappear in a cloud of black smoke. If Reaper is not what you’re looking for, maybe “Tracer” will be more up your alley with the ability to control and warp time to her own advantage, making her way through the map within a matter of seconds.

Another aspect as to why Overwatch is a game to look forward to, is the uniquely designed diverse classes with strong female characters as well as different ethnic backgrounds for each of the characters, as well as each individual character has a sort of “theme” as far as weapons go, their whole person revolves around one idea concerning their personality and abilities.

Playing for the ladies are: Tracer, Symmetra who has control over energy and is able to manipulate it and use it as weapons, Pharah who is a kind of “super soldier” with the background and weapons systems to contribute to her team. Mercy, who serves as an “angelic savior” with her wings and ability to heal players in battle and even resurrect them, and Widowmaker,who serves as the ever famous sniper class.

For the other 7 characters it is a wild mix of archers, heavily armored apes, robots, and god-like characters such as Zenyatta who can shoot energy balls out of his bare hands and even gained new phantom limbs and resembled Kali, the Indian goddess of destruction.

From what I see in the original gameplay trailer, it looks strikingly similar in game style and in the class-selection option to Team Fortress 2, developed by Valve. BETA is not said to be released until Fall of this year but I have a feeling it will be worth the wait.

For complete character profiles and abilities, go to: http://us.battle.net/overwatch/en/media/ for individual character gameplays and info.