Graduation Performer Application are Due Soon

Graduation performer applications are due sooner than most students know

Devin Guttman, Staffer

Applications for graduation performances are available in the Activities Office and due to Donna Irisawa in Activities by Friday, Feb 26. The mandatory pre-audition information meeting is Thursday, March 10 during first or second lunch in Room I-717. Auditions are Tuesday, April 5 at 3 P.M. in room I-709.


There are many seniors who wish they could make a speech of some sort to stand out at graduation. Well there is actually another opportunity that many students are not aware of that allows them to perform at graduation. Smoky is looking for about three or four performances that connects with the theme of graduation (the theme being a celebration of the end, the celebration of a new beginning, or something that pertains to anyone from kindergarten to grandparents who may be in the audience.)


Scott Cohen is in charge of these auditions. “ We are looking for something that will break up the naming of names and provide some entertainment in a huge setting,” Cohen said.


This performance will also be the largest performance that almost anyone gives, considering that it is in front of an estimated 5,000 people.


These performances can consist of speeches but normally they are musical; either singing or instrumental. There can be solos as well as group performances. There will probably be around 15 students chosen to try out for these spots.


Ceara Grigsby, Senior at Smoky Hill is highly considering trying out for one of these spots. “I’ve known about this opportunity since the beginning of the year but I know I’ve wanted to do some type of performance since freshman year,” Grigsby said.

Grigsby is planning on trying out as a soloist and is considering a few songs ranging from The “Greatest Love of All” by Whitney Houston to “I Believe in You and Me” also by Whitney Houston. IMG_0191