Texting and Birth Control

A recent study shows that students who text each other about birth control are more likely to use birth control.

A new study was released today saying that students who talk about birth control over text are four times more likely to use birth control. The number of students who regularly use condoms IMG_8820(1)also doubled. Senior Caroline Matz believes that taking the face out of the conversation helps students talk about birth control.

“It is a taboo topic. People get embarrassed talking face to face,” Matz said. “People are more likely to be honest and comfortable when you remove that factor.”

Talking and planning to use birth control is an important factor in actually using birth control. If two people feel like it is okay to talk about using contraceptives, the same two people are more likely to actually use it.

“If you are open about talking about the decisions or precautions you are going to make, you are more comfortable with them,” Matz said.

To read the original article, go to http://www.cbsnews.com/news/teens-who-text-about-birth-control-more-likely-to-use-it-study/.