Students are doing WHAT to substitutes?

There are students who take advantage of those who only want to help

Issac Rodriguez, Editor

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A student walks into their fourth hour class and is already tired from what felt like a long day at school and notices a substitute is filling their teachers place for the day. Students then begin to treat her disrespectfully, only because she is not the teacher of the class.

It doesn’t matter if the person in charge of the class is the student teacher or a substitute they need to be treated with respect. Sometimes even the teachers are treated bad, if not better than the teacher.

Even when students are not doing their work, she asks them to do something if not they give the substitute a hard time. If the substitute is not doing what your teacher normally does, that doesn’t  give the student an excuse to be rude.

Disrespecting the substitute can vary from bad mouthing to, ignoring the substitute, talking back, or continue to talk while they are trying to talk.

Students should always put themselves in the substitutes shoes, and think about how they would feel walking into a classroom where they have little to no idea as to what the class is like.

In general being disrespectful is unacceptable, but taking advantage of someone who is trying to do their job is probably one of the worst things a student could possibly do.