Semester Two Grind

Semester two has started and everyone is getting back into the grind


Avery Bailey, Staffer

Semester two has just started, meaning new content and more studying. Some who study have trouble actually studying, while other people study like its an activity, but studying effectively and remembering what you study is the most important thing.Here are five tips to help you study effectively.

Give some subjects more study time than others. Give more study time to a class you struggle with, than giving it to a class you excel in.

Break up your studying, don’t cram. Instead of studying an excessive amount in a certain period of time, break your studying time up, if you have a test the next week, study ten minutes each night instead of studying for two hours the night before the test.

Create a study group. Study with a group of friends that have the same class as you, they can help you with something you don’t understand, or you can quiz each other to find what you need to study and what you don’t need to study.

Study in a quiet space. Studying in a quiet place can help you focus on your work rather than the song that it playing on the radio, or the show that is playing on the TV. Study in the library, or in your room, where you can have a quiet time for studying.

Put your phone away while studying. If you have your phone by you when you are studying, it can be a distraction to you and your peers (if you are studying with a group). When you study you don’t want any distractions, you want to be focused so you can understand the content.

Taking those five tips into account, study hard and end the year on a good note!