Sophia Legesse (9) decided to dress up as a “shot person” for Halloween this year. Legesse has always been into special effects makeup and she felt this was a great opportunity to try it out. “I’ve been trying to perfect the look of having a bullet in my head, it just always seemed cool to me,” Legesse said.
Megan Welly (12) and Kiara Howser (12) went together as Princess Peach and Daisy. This duo felt that planning their costume this year was necessary. “Last year we accidentally matched so we just decided it was better to go together this year,” Howser said. For the duo, picking their Halloween costume wasn’t easy. “Originally, we wanted to go as Barbie, but then we felt it was too basic since it just came out,” Welly said.
Daniel Bigley (9) went as a wizard this year for his Halloween costume. He felt that the best part of his costume was how easy it was. “I just threw on a cape and grabbed my stick,” For Bigley, an easy Halloween is the best kind.
Grayson Meyers (9)) dressed up in a full banana costume. Meyers said, “I just really really like bananas, what better time to go when I can be one for Halloween?”
Aly Ambrosio (10) decided to go as an alien from the Toy Story movie. “The Toy Story aliens really inspired my outfit today,” Ambrosio said.
“I dressed up for school to support the Make-A-Wish [Foundation],” Nellie Light (11) said. Light felt that although dressing up for Halloween is enjoyable, supporting a good cause is even more important at times.
School Halloween Attire
The cold is upon us, it was a spooky day for Smoky, with all the different ghouls lurking around campus
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