Remembering the “old days” of Halloween

Halloween was exactly five days ago and till’ this day I still can’t believe how much it has changed since I was little. The empty streets were scarier than the actual day itself!

Kailen Theel, Staffer

I remember being a kid walking around my neighborhood, getting all the candy I possibly could in a matter of the three hour time limit my parents gave me. Now as the years go by and I stopped Trick or Treating, I find Halloween a bore. I pass the candy out to the kids, and I came to realize that not that many kids come by our house anymore.

Now that I am older, I feel that Halloween is a good holiday for young children to have fun and learn simple manners of saying please and thank you. It isn’t a holiday for a group of mischievous boys to take as much candy from the “please take one” bucket. No adult wants to spend the entire night listening to their doorbell being rung.

Another issue is the safety concerns adults have letting their children out for a few hours. Any other day of the year, we wouldn’t see kids in a costume they will wear that day asking for candy in the dark. We have concerns about what has happened to their candy, or any suspicious characters out there looking for trouble, and worst of all a toothbrush inside of our candy bags.

I believe one of the biggest reasons Halloween has become a past tradition is the controversy surrounding the holiday. With having too much black licorice at once, or a recent crime near a neighborhood, the holiday can bring up some major concerns. Nonetheless, I hope everyone enjoyed Halloween however you celebrated it.