JV and Varsity Game – Smoky Hill vs Mullen
Smoky Hill vs Mullen’s tough game on Oct. 25
Simone Van de Sande, Staffer|October 27, 2022
Varsity player Jordana Ancheta makes an Ace serve
Varsity volleyball team celebrates a Kill
Varsity huddle at timeout against Mullen
Varsity breaks out of huddle ready to play a close game score being 1-3
senior varsity player Desire’ young going up for the block
Jessica da Silva Martinez sets senior Desire’ young up for a kill
Smoky Hills Junior Varsity showing good sportsmanship after a close game against Mullen 1-2
Junior Varsity huddling up after mullen calls a timeout
Jessica Maestas making a great pass
Junior Megan Welly goes up for a tip winning Smoky a point
Madison Stangle going up for a kill against Mullens defense
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