Upcoming Exams Schedule
Students are in preparation for the last final exams week of the 2022-2023 school year

May 21, 2023
The end of school is nearing, along with upcoming finals for grades 9-11. Students are getting ready and preparing for these tests occurring on May 22-24 with each class being 90 minutes long.
Monday classes will go as 2G-4G, Tuesday will be 1G and 4R-3R classes and Wednesday will be the last two classes, 1R and 2R. If students were to miss an exam, an appointment with the teacher whose exam was missed should be made and retaken on Thursday or Friday which are the school’s make-up exam days. But after Wednesday, most students will officially be on summer vacation after completing their exams.
In anticipation, students are using their short time to get ready for finals week.
“I’m not excited for finals next week, this could bring my grades up or down and I’m very nervous for it,” Kev Thomas said, grade 9.
Hopefully, next week will go well for all students and the year will end on a good note.