Showing Respect Towards our Security Guards

Stephanie Braun, Editor

“Come back here you need to change” the security guards calls for the students attention, “No!” the student rudely replied, “Come here now!” the security guard demanded, “Leave me alone!” she answered.


Passing periods consist of students chatting, studying or rushing to class and now that the weather is getting warmer I see students getting in trouble due to what they’re wearing. I feel that the constant disrespect from the students is getting out of hand. The Smoky Hill Student and parent handbook states.


“ The Smoky Hill Administration strives to keep lines of communication open between the student body, deans, administration, faculty/staff and community with regard to dress or other issues that impact the school climate. The matter of dress is very individual, but some standards of dress are necessary to promote an appropriate learning environment and provide for safety. Development of a dress code is an ongoing process, and is subject to modifications, additions, or deletions at any time during the school year. The principal or designee reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of students’ attire.”

I think that our student body as a whole should demonstrate more respect towards our security guards.