Senior Exit Assembly Schedule
Seniors have their last assembly
May 10, 2016

The Senior Exit Assembly is on Fri. May 13 at 1:25 in the Auditorium.
This will be the last assembly for the class of 2016.
This assembly is the last of the school year, and it is to commemorate all of the school year’s achievements and to recognize the seniors and their adventure into a new life.
“I am very excited for the senior assembly,” senior Harlan Thomas said. “During the assembly there will be a senior slideshow and towards the end we will get to run out of the auditorium, and the class of 2017 will run and sit in out part of the bleachers.”
During the assembly, teachers that are going to retire, and scholarships acquired by seniors will be recognized.
Because the assembly will be during the school day, each class has will be shortened.
Here is the schedule:
Period 1R 7:10-8:26 77 min.
Period 2R 8:32-9:49 77 min.
Period 3R 9:56-11:52
Period 4R 11:59-1:15 76 min.
Assembly 1:25-2:30 65 min.
Lunch Periods
Lunch 1A
Lunch: 9:56-11:12 40 min.
Class: 10:36-11:52 76 min.
Lunch 2B
Class: 9:56-11:12 76 min.
Lunch: 11:12-11:52 40 min.
Each class will be 76 or 77 minutes long.
All Tutorial Classes are the first 40 minutes of class.
All Guided Study Groups are the last 30 minutes of each period.
Period 1R T: 7:10-7:50 GSG: 7:56-8:26
Period 2R T: 8:32-9:12 GSG: 9:19-9:49
Period 3R T: 9:56-10:36 GSG: 10:43-11:13
Period 4R T: 11:59-12:39 GSG: 12:45-1:15
“I am excited for the senior assembly because one, we get to leave class early, and two, we get to have a nice farewell to all the seniors. Not to mention this is the last assembly of the year,” sophomore Liam Williams said.