Senior Checkout Postponed

PowerSchool shutdown postpones Senior Checkout to tomorrow morning

Gloria Namgung, Editor-in-Chief

  • Senior checkout postponed to Tues. May 16. Seniors can still come to school to get their forms signed.

  • Seniors can come to this table located by the Main Entrance and receive a form by their corresponding last name.

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PowerSchool SIS has been shut down for the past weekend. With Senior Checkout being scheduled for today, Mon. May 15, has been postponed to tomorrow from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
“This past Sunday, we noticed power schools out right district-wide and so we were hoping it would be back up this morning. But what happens with checkout is we have to have current grades,” Counselor Kennedy said, “We don’t have grades that are currently and we can’t get into check them anyway. That we there’s just no way to verify if kids passed all the classes they need to pass.”
Due to the shutdown, seniors must enter the building for checkout tomorrow morning and afternoon to complete their graduation requirements.