Latino World Alliance Club

Latino leadership!

Mahwish Rana, Staffer


Latino World Alliance is a club for young latino’s in smoky. They come together as a group to discuss their future goals and participate in school activities. You don’t have to be latino to join, you can still participate just the same.
Freshman Kassandra De La Torre and member of Latino World Alliance, ¨We discuss about our future and also help in a lot of activities,¨ De La Torre said.
The Latino World Alliance has helped out in many after school activities such as the extreme fest and the homecoming parade, ¨We did school related things for homecoming week and we’re going to help at craft fair,¨ De La Torre said.
¨This club is about making changes and get us to college because a lot of latinos drop out of high school and we want to change that,¨ De La Torre said. The Latino World Alliance club is to help people overcome stereotypes and graduate high school.
¨It helps us do more and discuss our opportunities,¨ De La Torre said.

The Latino World Alliance is a way for their members to take opportunities and succeed throughout high school. They meet on thursdays in room II-307 from 2:30-3:30 PM.