Increase In Gas Prices


Matthew Staver

A gas pump

Krystal Limon, Staffer

Senior Diandra Baldwin has to pay for her own gas every week, and is bothered about the increase of gas prices because she have to pay for it herself. Baldwin has been working at Bed Bath & Beyond for the last nine months, and paying for her gas for 2 years.

“It makes you feel grown up, it gives you a sense of maturity and makes you feel ‘oh i’m paying for something,’” Baldwin said. According to 9News, gas demands will go down and prices will go up, with an average of $2.62 per gallon. Colorado is still below the current average, $2.751, in the United States.

Baldwin has definitely noticed the increase in price. “ I did notice because i stopped getting money back, because i notice it was $18 to fill up my tank now it’s more than $20 to fill up my tank,” Baldwin said. That is not the only bill pays to keep her independence, she also pays her $60 phone bill, school fees, rent, and other personal fees.

All theses expenses used to affect her “play” money, the money she used on personal fees. “ It used too, when i used to blow my money on a lot of things, but i save a lot of it now, and it doesn’t really effect it anymore.” Baldwin’s mother is happy about her daughter’s independence but also the fact that she doesn’t have to pay for her anymore.