Gun Violence Walkout Slideshow
Photos From The Walkout On March 14
Speakers and organizers freshman Fatma and senior Basel Huer Al Duien present a speech in front of the crowd during the walkout on March 14.
Freshman Isabella McNa and Brianna Wigginton stand near the main entrance waiting to walk down to the field for the nation gun violence walk out on March 14.
Lola Howard -
A SHHS student prays during a moment of silence for the victims of the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting that happened on Valentine’s day, Feb. 14
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Sophomore Alyssa Castro sheds a tear during the last seconds of the moment of silence. “I worries about our schools, to be honest, i’m angry. I’m really angry that this stuff has to happen and that we have to be walking out of schools to make anything happen.”
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SHHS frshman Brianna Wigginton shows her handmade poster reading, ‘fear has no place here’ while leaving the field after the speeches.
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Sophomore Esther Tran holds up her hands as a symbol before heading to the field. “It was a stand for anti gun violence. It was just a symbol to represent what us kids have have been going through and our trama.”
On March 14, at 10 a.m, many students walk out to the football field in honor of the lives lost to the horrible Florida Shooting and gather around speaker Fatma Huer Al Duien. “You see all these people talking and not doing anything and our president isn’t doing anything either. You have to stand up for your rights and make your voice heard for those who can’t talk.”
Students fill the field as freshman Fatma Huer Al Duien speaks to the crowd. ¨It’s really frustrating seeing that students are getting murdered and I wanted to be the change.¨
As everyone started to file onto the field many had posters and signs supporting the walk out. “The NRA and president Donald Trump aren’t doing about gun control since all these shootings happened,” said Janae Jackson
Lola Howard
Lola Howard and Tori Griffey
March 21, 2018