Class Study Sessions

Students Prepare for Finals

Loralee Bandy, Staffer

Many students are cracking down on studying in preparation for semester finals next week. Mrs. Sheil’s AP US Government and Politics class held a class study  session Thursday, Jan. 8. The optional after-school session gave worried students some insight into the course material and final.

“I had some students approach me about feeling overwhelmed about the final before winter break and thought this would be a way to offer additional help if students wanted it,” Mrs. Sheil explains. “I’ve offered these in the past and students have given positive feedback that they found it helpful.”IMG_4008.JPG

According to an article on, a review session with the teacher provides the most help when it comes to studying for a final. Sheil believes that students can get dedicated help without the normal distractions. The study session also gives comfort in a group setting because each student knows he or she is not the only one who has questions.

“I think that it provides a study environment that has some structure, where some students might go home and “study” – which might include texting, tweeting, television and being distracted with other items – this is focused and with the teacher present, maybe encourages them to not allow themselves to get off task as easily.” describes Mrs. Sheil.

Not all students have study sessions for their classes. Often times, either the students, teachers, or both are busy and cannot attend such sessions. Although this can be a disadvantage, students find other ways to study and ensure they are prepared for their exams.

“I find that it helps to write out what I’m studying, so I use flashcards and study my notes.” states Junior Maraam Zeiadah, a student who is not participating in any review sessions. “Sometimes I rewrite [my notes] to make sure they’re in my head.”

There are many ways to study for success on finals. For tips on finals, check out this website: