Blanks and Blood: Is This What our School Should Do?

An opinion on shooting simulations and whether or not we should enact them.

The alarm goes off; Smoky Hill is in lockdown. Teachers lock their doors and quickly hear the sound of gunshots in the hall. A female student desperately pounds on the doors, begging and sobbing to be let in. Students look around nervously and when the girl goes silent after a bang, they flinch and wonder about her fate. After a few minutes, students go out into the halls and see students laying on the ground with fake blood smeared on them. After a few seconds, these students rise back up; the simulation is over.

A scene very similar to this one took place in Troy, Missouri at Troy Buchanan High School during an active shooter drill. All students but 69 volunteers went home early and all of the staff stayed behind to watch the scene. During the “shooting,” these students were outfitted with fake blood and one was even taken hostage as the school’s police officer fired blanks. Afterwards, many students were visibly shaken but had one thing to say, “When it happens, I’ll know what to do.”

Not only are these drills required by law in Missouri, they are encouraged. They show students the very real effects of a school shooting through fake blood and the sound of a live gun being fired. Students seem to visibly affected to their core, some are even sobbing. Yet, now they know how to deal with a shooting. Overall, this tactic is effective and should be encouraged in Cherry Creek School District.

Some may argue that this may traumatize students, that this method is well on the extreme side. However, think about how students will feel if this really happens. They won’t be getting back up, they won’t be smiling the next day. With recent rumors, jokes and threats towards school safety in various schools, extreme may be what we need.

With students leaving fake notes and treating the shootings at Arapahoe High School and the Aurora Theater as jokes, a simulation can show what these events look like. It can improve our response time if a shooter does arrive and can easily save many lives. Let’s head towards our own simulations in order to keep our students and schools safe.

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