Monday November 7, Smoky Hill’s library got a new addition to the students’ work stations. They were able to buy three ¨Desk Cycles¨ and two ¨Wirk Desk,” Through the Cherry Creek Foundation grant the school received, they were able to buy five new bike stations for students and teachers to use in the library. These desks allow students who are always fidgety or full of energy to focus more on their school work.
¨We started out with the stability balls to engage the students’ core to help them focus,¨ Librarian Kyle Harmon said. ¨Now we are taking it to the next level, so if you are also active, you are also active thinking.¨
The Desk Cycle allows students to pedal under any workstation including a computer, table, or study carrel.
The Wirk Desk allows students to stand and bike while doing their work. The desks can calculate the distance a student goes and the amount of calories a student has burned.
Both pieces of exercise equipments are now available for students to use in the school library. There are no time limits with any of the stations and students do not need their student ID to use one.