5 Unusual Thing’s to do for Thanksgiving
“Gooble, Gobble, Gooble.”
November 21, 2016
It’s almost that time of year again, National Turkey Day (a.k.a. Thanksgiving) is in 2 days and I don’t know about student, but I’m a little tired of stuffing a turkey all day long. So for those students who also don’t feel like cooking a turkey all day, here are some non- traditional idea to help get in the spirit of Thanksgiving with minimal effort.
- Cook whatever is in the house, eat it and then the next day watch movies and eat leftovers all day: In other words, have a lazy day. I mean come on, it’s a national holiday. There is not punishment for not spending all day shoving a tukey full of stuffing. Go ahead and relax. Ess all god.
- Eat at foreign restaurants: Go out to eat anything not americanized.
- Volunteer at a shelter: This one’s pretty self explanatory. Doing something for the benefit of others never hurt anyone.
- Have a potluck: Instead of spending countless hours preparing a meal for your family, why not invite some guest over with whatever they feel like making.
- Help your mother put: seriously. It’s really stressful on Thanksgiving and if my brother would help my mom and I once in awhile, it would be awesome. So boys and girls, help. Seriously, no one is asking anyone to be the Next Iron Chef America but it’s the offer to help that counts.
Happy Thanksgiving!