StuGo Presents: Lip Dub 2015

Kathleen Russo, a member of StuGo, helped to organize the Lip Dub
Smoky Hill’s Student Government club has finalized the 2015 Lip Dub video, which was filmed at last Friday. During Student Government class Tuesday, February 3, Mr. Cohen and the students on the committee will decide when the video will be premiered in the auditorium.
“We’re not really sure [when the Lip Dub will be presented],” Senior Kathleen Russo said. “Probably late this week, early next week.”
Russo, one of the students to work on the Lip Dub committee, say that there were different steps that made LipDub possible. While Russo says that editing the video was easy, the real challenge was in planning. “It’s all edited and finished,” Russo said.. “Editing only takes about five minutes, but for planning, we planned during our StuGo period for about three months.”
According to Russo, a lot of work was put into the creation of the Lip Dub video this year. Members of StuGo planned the songs, locations, and filming of the video. “I think the Lip Dub this year is more aesthetically pleasing than before, just because there was more going on,” Russo said. “We got to go to more cool places in the school, and there were more props. The level of involvement was crazy…[and] goes up every year.”