Should Students Have to Wear a Uniform?

Students Wearing Uniforms to School

Mona Jabr, Staffer

Imagine wearing the dreaded school uniform. As bad as it may sound, it may actually be helpful to Smoky Hill.

imageMWhile uniforms are not considered fashionable in this generation, it does create the feeling of unity and sameness. Wearing a uniform can help students who feel lonely and not part of the school feel welcomed and alike.

According to stated a quote from President Barack Obama saying, “‘I’m trying to pare down decisions. I don’t want to make decisions about what I’m eating or wearing. Because I have too many other decisions to make.’ “

In Smoky Hill, sports and activities like soccer and newspaper have a day were all students part of these groups wear a specific shirt for that sport or activity. On days like these, students who are not in an activity or wearing something that points them out and identifies them feel left out and to a certain point jealous.

Student who dress neatly and look seriously seem to behave themselves better and uniforms raise students’ expectations of themselves.

Bullying can also occur when students are dressed differently. For instance, if there is a girl wearing a skirt on a cold day, she might get pointed out and made fun of. Wearing “un-trendy” clothes can cause students who can’t afford it to feel pressured.

It is hard to be made fun of or bullied by someone else since alls students will be wearing the same thing.

As good as uniforms can be they are also limiting your freedom of expression. Many students dress differently because their clothes are unique to them and express who they are. Some could be comfortable with wearing leggings everyday and some comfortable wearing dresses everyday. Students should have to wear uniforms so all feel equal and welcomed by all the school and not just part of it.