NHS Looks at Upcoming Projects
Upcoming NHS Projects
March 4, 2016
National Honor Society (NHS) held a meeting Wednesday, March 2, after school in the cafeteria to discuss upcoming projects and when all points are due.
During the meeting, the club awarded Don Hawley and Kate Sheil with the 2016 NHS Teacher of the Year Award. Students chose the two awardees at the previous meeting back in February.
The club leaders also let members know that all seniors´ community service points are due by the April 6 meeting and juniors´ community service points are due by the final meeting in May.
Upcoming projects for club volunteers:
The Spring Craft fair is Saturday, March 12, and the club is looking for 50 plus volunteers to help with vendor set up from 6:30 to 8:30 a.m for two points, and vendor tear downs from 3:00 to 5:30 p.m. for three points.
“Some positions have already filled up, and I’m hoping that a lot of members decided to come on out and help with the Spring Craft Fair,” junior Katie Nguyen said.
The Children’s Hospital Toy Drive project led by Abby Boyer. Volunteers can bring new toys that are in original packaging. Volunteers can bring the toys to Mr. Paricio´s room II-605. This is worth two points for toys of a $10 value. Students can only earn two points, max.
Hanging Outside Together (HOT). This is a field day opportunity to promote outdoor activity in teenagers. Volunteers who want to help out with the event have to plan details for an outdoor field day for Smoky Hill NHS and Laredo NJHS. This assignment still needs a project leader and the first meeting will be held on March 7, in room II-605 at 2:45 p.m.
“This project seems like a lot of fun because we get to spend a whole day outside with members from both schools,” junior Grant Forester said.
Three Teacher Thank You Cards project is still available. Volunteers can write thank you notes to three teachers that they feel need to thank. Volunteers can turn the cards into room II-605 by Monday, March 7 into their attendance officer’s box for one point. Volunteers can make up to six cards for two points.
A new project is Help the Key Club- Leukemia Awareness week which is lead by Abril Olivas and will run from April 11 through April 15. Volunteers should talk to Abril for more information on the event.
Volunteers also can help out with the book drive led by Mehraud Raazaghi. Members can donate books for students in Aurora schools that are about 75 percent free and reduced lunch. Members can bring the books to room II-605 and they are due by April 21.
“I really hope that we can get a lot of books from all the members,” senior Mehraud Raazaghi said. “This cause is very important to me and I really want to help these schools out.”
Members can also participate the Peakview Retirement Center Talent show. Participants can sign up in designated folder and dates and more information will be available in the weeks to come.