National Sandwich Day
Students go to Subway for National Sandwich Day. Also find other other offers.
November 5, 2015
Tue. Nov 3, 2015 is National Sandwich Day across America. Companies like Subway, Mcdonald’s, Quiznos, Jersey Mike’s, King Soopers,and many more are participating. According to ibtimes the sandwich was invented almost three centuries ago, “John Montagu decided he wanted to be able to eat while continuing to play cards. He ordered his servants to put beef between two slices of bread.”

Subway is having a BOGO [Buy one get one] deal, if you buy one sandwich you get the second one free. The hiccup is you must purchase a 30 oz fountain drink, which cost around $1.80.Sophomore Mariah Bolen did the 12 minute walk during second lunch to Subway on Smoky Hill Rd and Buckley.
“I went to subway because in the past they have been really good taste wise and reasonably cheap. Today was a special day because of the free sub offer going on,” Bolen said. The Subway on Smoky Hill Road and Buckley had a sign on the door saying they had ran out of bread.
“Apparently Subway doesn’t make their own bread fresh and they ran out. Go figure, a sandwich place running out of bread, ” Bolen said. Bolen was not satisfied because she never got her free sub.
Junior Wengel Tadesse went to the same Subway [Smoky Hill Rd and Buckley] for the same reason. “I heard that Subway was giving a free sandwich if you buy one with a 30 oz drink,”Tadesse said.
Tadesse encounter the same problem “I went with my friend during [first] lunch but the line was so long, we had to just leave and [go] back to school in order to [not] be late to class. So I decided to go check it [Subway] in the afternoon with another friend and they ran out of bread and they needed time to warm them [bread] up so we waited and we got out subs.” Tadesse went home satisfied.
Mcdonald’s is another business having a deal where if you download the Mcdonald’s app you receive a free sandwich and other offers. Quizno’s is offering a $1 off a sandwich with a coupon.[] this deal ends Nov 19,2015. Another offer available until Nov 12,2015 is get free chips and drink when you buy a sandwich with a coupon.[]
Jersey Mike’s is having a deal where if you sign up for Jersey Mike’s Rewards Club you get a free sub every time you visit. King Soopers is offering a foot long sandwiches for $3.99 according to their facebook page.
Go get your subs and Happy National Sandwich Day!