Damn Daniel and his sidekick Joshua Holz were on the Ellen show

Daniel and Josh on the Ellen show

Daniel and Josh on the Ellen show

Krystal Limon, Staffer

DAMN DANIEL! If you haven’t heard that in these past few days, you’ve been living under a rock.

Joshua Holz posted to Twitter a 30-second video showing off 14-year-old Daniel Lara’s outfits Feb. 15.  Along with each outfit, occasionally a, “Back at it again with the white Vans!” is said which went viral on the internet.

This 30-second viral video caught the attention of Ellen, a popular tv host, which landed Joshua Holz and Daniel Lara on the show. During the interview discussion of how “Damn Daniel” started, it was said that it was never thought out – it just happened.

Another topic that was addressed was Daniel’s white laced Vans on Ebay for $300,000, which Daniel claimed are not his and are not laced. That is absolutely ridiculous that someone had the idea to put fake “Damn Daniel” Vans for sale at such an unrealistic price. It crazy to think that someone actually fell for and believed these were Daniel’s actual Vans.

During the interview, Ellen mentioned Daniel is already receiving marriage proposals from random teenage girls. “I’m not in a rush to get married anytime soon, I’m 14-years old,” said Daniel on the “Ellen” show.

Ellen is also famous for giving out gifts to guests on her show. Ellen gave Josh a surfboard with “DAMN DANIEL! I was on Ellen” on it. Daniel got a lifetime supply of Vans, for Vans lovers like me this is absolutely a dream come true.

It also hurt because it sucks that just because someone posted a funny video online they get free shoes, but Im very happy for Daniel, Ellen gave him an amazing gift and saved him a lot of money.

Watch the original Damn Daniel video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRzjJziFR5o

And Damn Daniel on Ellen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LUX70mXcEE

  • Daniel and Josh on the Ellen show

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