
A Club for Students Who Have a Passion for Bully Prevention

  • Buff Apllication

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Krystal Limon, Staffer

  • Buff Apllication

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Buffstanders is a student-run bullying prevention club that launched this school year due to school psychologist, June Hicks, trying to make a change in Smoky’s culture. Hicks is a Sponsor with Christine Dressler.

“Three or four years ago, I thought about how I could impact the school in a positive way,” Hicks said. Students take surveys every year that are analyzed by Hicks and other staff members.

Hicks began to work with other schools in the district to try and improve the bullying situation.

“I wanted a program that focused on a student task force I got in contact with a counselor at Cherokee Trail [high school]  and did some training with them and wanted to bring this [club] to Smoky,” Hicks said.

Co-President of Buffstanders, senior Shaddron Carter, joined Buffstanders because of personal experiences. “ In middle school, I was bullied extensively, both physically and verbally, but also in high school it just continued, and I didn’t know how to stand up for myself  because no one else would. I really need to figure out a way to do that myself,” Carter said.

Carter didn’t want bullying to continue for incoming students, and wanted to make sure students knew he was there for them. If students need to talk to him during classes or during an off, Carter said he will be there for students who need help or someone to talk to.

Earlier this year all teachers attended a mandatory meeting during their off periods  that involve activities and a presentation on how to handle bullying and bullying situations that occur inside and outside of classrooms.

“We, as teachers, were asked to hand out an application to at least one student who we thought would be good member of the club, and the [student] that we offered that to was supposed to be either someone we thought to be a bully or someone who could be a leader in stopping bullying,” English teacher Marci Delimont said.

Delimont took another step to get a point across to students that she is there for them.

“I’ve talked about it in my classes and I’ve shown part of a documentary called Bully and that talked about what we’re doing at Smoky Hill to try and create a culture where we are looking out for each other,” Delimont said.

Student can find applications to join Buffstanders  by contacting Hicks or  Dressler, they are also in the mailbox on Hicks office door, and also in the activities office. Return applications to Hicks or Dressler.