10 Tips to Know Before Getting Your First Job
Advice I wish I knew before applying for a job
May 18, 2016

As young adults, we start to learn that money is what makes the world run, but as teenagers we don’t always think about what we’re getting into. Here’s 10 tips to consider before getting a job:
1) You’re Your Own Responsibility
Once you have you have your job, it’s your responsibility to manage it. Hopefully most of your life your parents have kept you on a schedule and kept track of all your appointments, deadlines, and reminded you not to forget certain things. When you have a job it’s not your parents responsibility and you have to manage your work schedule.
2) Read the Sign Documents
As teengers in school, most of the time we don’t read or follow directions, which is fine to do here and then. When signing an application that most likely has your Social Security, address, or phone number, you want to be sure exactly what you’re giving permission for any businesses to see.
3) Bring/Know Your Social Security
Your Social Security is your universal identifier, it is usually assigned at birth. It enables the government agencies to identify individuals in their records and businesses and to track an individual’s financial information. It’s a card you need to bring to apply to any job, without it you can’t turn in the application.
4) Make Sure You Can Balance It
Making money it great espcailly as a teen but it can be stressful to balance work and extra curricular activities.You need to make sure it’s something you want before committing to it.
5) Do Something You Enjoy
Don’t apply for a job if you don’t want it or like it. Earning money isn’t everything, do something you enjoy, it’s your first job so make it memorable and fun.
6) May Not Alway Be Fun and Games
Just like you have to do things around the house for your parents that you don’t like doing, having a job, is the same concept. Except at home if you don’t do what’s asked you may or may not get into a trouble. With a job someone is paying you to complete the tasks when they assign them.
7) Prepare For Your Interview
Usually a company wants to get to know you before hiring you. Dress to impress your interviewer and practice answering some common interview questions with a parent or friend. Tell me about yourself, why do you want to work for us, what are some activities you participate in at school?
8) You Need a Bank Account
When you’re a teen, you’re focused on making money, but what about focusing first on where that money is going to go? Most business pay their employees electronically, straight into their bank account. Make sure you and your parents set an account up before applying.
9) Take your breaks
When you get your first job, you want to impress your boss by showing them all the hard work you’re doing. You shouldn’t skip your breaks, do not tire yourself out on your first job.
10) Don’t Be Scared of Your Boss
Yes, your boss is the one who can fire you as easy as they hired you, but don’t be scared to ask them for help or guidance.