The Importance of Voting

Why it’s important to vote


Amira Marie, Staffer

Inspire US, is an organization which engages in innovative programs aimed at enhancing civic responsibility. Inspire US is a bipartisan organization which strictly works with high school students as they approach the age of voter eligibility.


I, personally have been working with the program and by doing so have learned effective leadership skills in order to conduct voter registration efforts.


In a world where it seems difficult to make a difference, apathy is easy. There are endless facets of debate, extremists on both sides of the spectrum, and let’s be honest, we’re constantly in a state of gridlock that nothing ever gets done. So why should you care? Well, that’s simple.


The very foundation of our country’s democracy is built upon the rights of citizens and that includes actively participating in the decision making process. Year by year, our youth has grown more and more apathetic about politics and that is a detriment to our country’s democracy.


To my apathetic peers, voting is an act of equality; the opportunity to express one’s point of view regardless of their race, gender, nationality, faith, or economic status (Remember, this wasn’t always the case). We are blessed enough to live in a country where we are given the opportunity to shape the future and direction of our country.


Of course you alone cannot make innovative change, but what happens when you inspire others to go out and vote as well? That’s when change happens.


I was once told, “Choosing not to vote, is not a rebellion against the government, it is surrender of your beliefs and values.” I encourage all those who are eligible, please register to vote. If you’re curious about learning more on Inspire US, check out the local Inspire US website


Be the change you wish to see in the world – Mahatma Gandhi