Preparing for Finals

Tis’ the Season to Study Hard

Nafees Abidi, Staffer

So, it’s the week before  AP finals and schedules are packed, preparation lists for finals grow, so does the turning in your stomach from all the stress.  Well, the good news is I have some tips to help you survive hell week without becoming a total wreck.  

  1. The most important thing to remember is take it one day at a time.  Study for the final that you have coming up oppose to the one next week. When you aren’t stressing over the final that is completed, it’ll be easier to focus on the next one.
  2. Focus on your problem chapters. Let’s say you got a F on the chapter 14 AP History test. Maybe you should spend some extra time reviewing that chapter instead of studying what you already know.  The same goes for your lowest test score.
  3. Set study goals. Studying definitely gets hectic, which causes students to take breaks, but before studying if you set a goal for yourself it is easier to not give up until you reach that goal. Remember to make a goal and reward yourself after every goal is met with an episode of your favorite T.V show or maybe even cake.prep
  4. Swap notes NOT answers with friends.  Considering some of us have more finals than we have time to study for, check with friends to see if they have notes you can borrow and review. If your only friend in the class is the teacher, talk to your teacher to see if there’s any last minute extra credit or help to offer you.  Believe it or not, they actually want you to do well, so they’ll help you figure something out.
  5. Turn off your phone and log off Facebook.  There isn’t much room for distractions or procrastination when finals are around. If you’re studying and your phone goes off with another text or you see you have a notification on your Facebook, you’ll end up wasting time and being distracted when you should be studying.  Do yourself a favor; just turn them off while you’re studying.
  6. Pulling all-nighters does not work.  Magically learning everything by studying all night will probably waste your energy, and make you extremely tired the next day which will cause problems on the final.  Being tired leads to you not focusing the next day, so staying up all night would be worthless if you can’t even keep yourself awake and focused for the test you took an all-nighter for.

Well, good luck on finals next week, everyone! Especially to those who need it!